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Tri and simplify...In our tech and media saturated world lets keep the sport of Triathlon clean and simple...

What Tri the Outer Limits has done for you...

Setting Goals, Achieving dreams...
Tri the Outer Limits wants to hear your thoughts about your successes in the world of fitness.

Nancy Skye...

Thanks all, for the kind words and experience we shared together! I consider it all a character building opportunity for sure!
As Lisa says, "See you out there!"
Kim Buck...
Thanks again Lisa!!!! You are so patient and encouraging. If not for you I most likely would have withdrawn from 70.3 - but now I am bound and determined to do it!

Chris and Nancy - it was so nice getting to know you guys and Katie and Sharon hopefully I will get to meet you in the future!

Best of luck to the "Tri the Outer Limits" team!!! Race well and be safe!

Kimberly Buck, CPA

Corporate Controller

Haylor, Freyer & Coon, Inc.

231 Salina Meadows, PO Box 4743

Syracuse, NY 13221-4743

315-703-1332 - Phone

315-703-8195 - Fax

Zack Karmen
Your training program was terrific. I wanted to let you know that based on your program I just completed the green lakes tri in 1:23, a 7 minute PR from 2 years ago and a 2nd place finish in my age group. Thank you very much for all you did to help me to achieve this result. I couldn't have done it without your program.
Rosalie Young
Hi Lisa,

Just a quick thank you for the training advice you offered in evening seminars during the last few months. Your list of
items to bring to the tri was especially helpful.

I was able to complete the tri and earn the coveted finisher's ribbon. (I was fearful of earning a DNF.) I also received an award for coming in second in
my age group -- there were only two in my age group!

I appreciate your help and that of your daughter Brooke. Have a great summer.


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