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Monday, March 12, 2018

It is Official: Triathlon the Ultimate Sport

Check out our newest publication, Triathlon the Ultimate Sport, for sale through


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Type in the title of the book in the search bar and you will find the book for sale.
Cost: $24.99

A brief overview of the book:

Triathlon the Ultimate Sport is the ultimate guide to taking your triathlon goals to the next level. This book is written and formatted to be easy to read and apply the information presented. Whether you are just starting out or finishing your tenth triathlon Triathlon the Ultimate Sport has something for everyone. In depth training plans for all levels, beginner, intermediate, and advanced. A 24 week Ironman distance training program, and scores of thoughts, tips, and tricks to make your training the best it can be. So put on your swim goggles, grease up your bike gears, and lace up those running shoes and get started.

We look forward to your feedback and achievement of your goals.

Seek your Outer Limits.