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Tri and simplify...In our tech and media saturated world lets keep the sport of Triathlon clean and simple...

About the Coaches

Lisa Hill… Certified Triathlon Coach Endurance Triathlete

Lisa Hill started running in 2006 and two years later she entered the world of Triathlon in 2008. With six kids as her cheering section and a dedication to healthy living the scope of her life and that of her family changed forever the day she laced up her running shoes.  Now an International Triathlon Certified Coach ( ITCA) Level I and Level II, and a Certified Personal Trainer through NCSF,  Lisa shares her various experiences with multisport drawing knowledge and wisdom from her adventures in racing and living life.  From 16 marathons, 10 half Ironman races, 100 triathlons, two 50k Ultra Running events, as well as dabbling  in cycle racing and being a competitive Masters Athlete in road racing Lisa has passion for teaching people and children about the multisport world and benefits it has to offer.  She lives and trains in East Syracuse, New York.
Brooke Hill … Volunteer- Assistant endurance runner
Brooke Hill, inspired by her mom to start running when she was 16, three marathons later, she attributes her success in life to her mom and the values she instilled in her and her siblings. With BS in Communications , Brooke attempts to capture the emotional and artistic side of Multisport with a lens of her camera and the creation of motivational presentations accompanied by music. She works with her mom to deliver a stellar program in Triathlon for all people seeking to take their training and life to the next level. Brooke lives and trains with her mom in East Syracuse, New York.


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